What is the prevalence of OSA?
What are signs/symptoms that an individual may have OSA or Sleep Disordered Breathing?
How is OSA diagnosed?
What are the treatment options for OSA and Snoring?
What is Dental Device Therapy? How does oral appliance treatment work?
Which patients are best served by a dental appliance in comparison to other treatment forms?
Are there any side effects or complications to dental device treatment?
Is wearing a dental device comfortable?
Can my physician or regular dentist make my dental device?
How long does a dental sleep device last?
Are dental sleep devices covered by my medical insurance?
How much does a dental sleep device cost?
Dr. Sandvick is not my existing dentist, can I continue seeing my existing dentist while being treated by Dr. Sandvick for my dental device therapy?
Are you able to make an appliance just for snoring?
Do I need a custom-fitted dental sleep device? What’s wrong with the over-the-counter devices I see in my local drug stores and on TV?
I have TMJ problems, can I still wear a dental sleep device?
I have another question related to dental sleep therapy, but it is not listed here. How can I get it answered?
What is the prevalence of OSA?
Affects over 18 million Americans. 40% of Americans snore, and 40% of those snorers have OSA WITHOUT any signs or symptoms of the disease. Less than 10% of those who suffer from OSA have been diagnosed. Of those diagnosed with OSA, less than 25% have been successfully treated.
What are signs/symptoms that an individual may have OSA or Sleep Disordered Breathing?
Snoring, waking up due to gasping/choking, excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability, memory loss, nighttime grinding of teeth, restless sleep, waking up unrefreshed, and frequent waking during sleep.
How is OSA diagnosed?
Proper diagnosis requires an overnight sleep test. This test involves placing sensors on the body which measure values such as breathing, blood oxygen saturation, respiratory effort, pulse, and time spent sleeping. As of 2009, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine approved the usage of portable sleep testing (“Home Sleep Test”) for the diagnosis of OSA. Diagnosis and interpretation of the results must be made by a board-certified sleep physician.
At SleepClearNow, we have partnered with a trusted local sleep center that will work one-on-one with you to successfully perform the Home Sleep Test, as well as have your results interpreted and diagnosed by a board-certified sleep physician.
What are the treatment options for OSA and Snoring?
Dental Device Therapy, CPAP, and surgery are the main treatment options. Positional therapy and weight loss, when combined with one of the main treatment options, have been shown to have some success in patient treatment.
Most people find an oral dental device to be more comfortable than CPAP and far less invasive and more predictable than pursuing a surgical option.
What is Dental Device Therapy? How does an oral appliance treatment work?
These appliances work by helping to control the collapsing of the tongue and other upper airway muscles into the airway, thus alleviating snoring and allowing patients to breathe easier throughout the night. Oral appliance therapy helps prevent the collapse of the tongue into the airway by simply moving the jaw forward and thus opening the airway. These dental sleep devices look similar to a sports mouth guard and can be comfortably worn in the mouth during sleep.
Dr. Paul Sandvick has obtained specialty training in oral appliance therapy which has allowed him to custom-fit FDA-approved dental devices for our patients. Dr. Sandvick is also extremely knowledgeable on the different device options and will work with you to select the device that best fits your needs.
Which patients are best served by a dental appliance in comparison to other treatment forms?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends dental sleep devices as a first line treatment for anyone who has mild to moderate apnea, as well as anyone who cannot tolerate CPAP.
The severity of your apnea (mild, moderate, severe) is determined based on values obtained from the Home Sleep Test.
Are there any side effects or complications to dental device treatment?
As with any other medical treatment, dental device therapy does come with the possibility of complications and side effects. However, given the extensive well-documented health risks of NOT treating OSA, most of these side effects to dental device therapy are minor in comparison.
The three most common side effects to dental sleep therapy involve tooth discomfort, TMJ (jaw joint) or muscular discomfort, and tooth movement or bite changes.
Tooth Discomfort: dental sleep devices can apply pressure on the teeth and result in temporary soreness. If this were to occur, it can often be easily alleviated by simply adjusting the dental sleep device. Current research shows that there is no long term tooth discomfort with a properly fitted dental sleep device.
TMJ and Muscle Discomfort: as a result of the majority of dental sleep devices working by moving the lower jaw forward to allow the throat and collapsible airway to open, there is a risk of TMJ muscle discomfort. Due to the adjustability of each dental device that SleepClearNow uses, we are confident we can achieve jaw position adjustment with minimal discomfort. Long term muscle discomfort is rare.
Tooth Movement and Bite Changes: due to the forward movement of the jaw by the dental sleep device, there are forces applied to the teeth and jaw while wearing the device. Such forces can cause the teeth to move slightly, or even cause the jaw to be repositioned which may change the patient’s bite. There are recommended jaw exercises that a patient can perform each morning after wearing the device that can reset their bite.
Is wearing a dental device comfortable?
The majority of patients easily adapt to wearing a dental sleep device at night. Although different at first, most patients adapt within a short period of time. Most patients end up not being able to sleep without it, given how much better they feel in the morning after a great night’s sleep.
Compliance rates for dental sleep devices are much higher than other treatment options for OSA (such as CPAP).
Can my physician or regular dentist make my dental device?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) states that dental sleep devices should be made by a dentist who has had specialty training in the field of sleep medicine (such as Dr. Sandvick!). Given this statement, physicians and dentists without this proper training are prohibited from making these dental devices.
How long does a dental sleep device last?
Durability and longevity is high dependent on the patient user, the specific device that was made, the forces applied to the device, as well as the care of the device. If the device is well-maintained, it should last for 2-5 years without needing to be replaced. Please note that most medical insurance providers will pay for the construction of a new dental sleep device every 2 years.
Are dental sleep devices covered by my medical insurance?
In most cases, the cost of your dental sleep therapy is covered or subsidized by your medical insurance. Our staff is highly trained and experienced to help you obtain and maximize your medical benefits as it applies to a dental sleep device.
How much does a dental sleep device cost?
Dr. Sandvick adheres strictly to proven protocols and best-in-class treatment standards. Fees for the treatment of OSA and snoring with dental sleep therapy vary depending on the particular device selected. In many cases, medical insurance will reimburse you for some or all of the total treatment cost.
If you think that a dental sleep device would be of benefit to your health, please call our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation to see if you are a candidate for dental sleep therapy. At this visit, we will discuss with you the fees associated with your personalized treatment needs and particular insurance plan.
We strive to provide the highest quality patient care at the lowest possible cost!
Dr. Sandvick is not my existing dentist, can I continue seeing my existing dentist while being treated by Dr. Sandvick for my dental device therapy?
Of course! We encourage you to continue seeing your existing dentist for all of your routine and preventative dental care. Although Dr. Sandvick will need to evaluate your teeth to ensure you are a proper candidate for dental sleep therapy, his primary goal is to successfully treat your snoring or OSA. Dr. Sandvick will work very closely with your existing dentist and other medical providers by forwarding copies of pertinent records, x-rays, etc.
Are you able to make an appliance just for snoring?
Yes. The dental sleep devices we produce work well at reducing both the sound and severity of snoring. However, we are required to have a sleep study done on all patients that we make a dental sleep appliance for. There is a high correlation between snoring and OSA, so having a patient who snores undergo a sleep study is very important to ensure that the patient is not suffering from underlying OSA.
Do I need a custom-fitted dental sleep device? What’s wrong with the over-the-counter devices I see in my local drug stores and on TV?
Significant scientific evidence has been released that indicates custom-made adjustable dental sleep devices are far more effective and comfortable in comparison to the self-fitting, “boil and bite” devices that patients may come across. These over-the-counter self-fitting devices are typically much larger which decreases their effectiveness as they may themselves obstruct the patient’s airway while they sleep. Given the inability for adjustment of these self-fitting devices, they have been commonly linked to high rates of discomfort and pain.
Successful dental sleep therapy is highly dependent on the precise adjustments of the dental sleep device made by the dentist who created the device for you.
I have TMJ problems, can I still wear a dental sleep device?
Although the answer to this question is unique to each patient, most TMJ patients can be successfully treated with a dental device. It is true that for some TMJ patients, a dental sleep device would not be recommended. However, for many TMJ problems, the use of a dental sleep device would not be contraindicated for a snoring or OSA patient.
I have another question related to dental sleep therapy, but it is not listed here. How can I get it answered?
We are here to help! Feel free to contact our office at any time to get your questions related to snoring, OSA, and dental sleep therapy answered. Please see the “about us” tab for contact information.